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How To Clean Your Tarot Cards

How To Clean Your Tarot Cards

How To Clean Your Tarot Cards

Hello my lovelies! We are going to talk about cleaning your tarot cards: when you might want to do it, a couple different ways you can do it and what the benefits of cleaning your tarot cards are.

When Might You Wish To Clean Your Cards

 1. Did you get a brand new deck there's nothing wrong with doing a cleaning right out of the gate to knock off any energy that is from a person that is either a non-believer or a skeptic or has very negative energy that might have been involved in the production, the packing, the shipping.. just knock all of that off because this is going to be your friend, your guide, your tool to talk to your inner intuition your wisdom and that part of you that is connected to the eternal.

2. So you might want to do a cleaning if you have done a reading for a client or they have touched the cards you might want to go ahead and dust that energy right off and just focus on making your connection strong again with your card so it is not being interfered with by anybody who might have touched or handled the cards.

3. Some people like to do a cleaning if a card falls to the ground they might want to do a cleaning just to clear off that energy you might do a cleaning if you yourself were extremely emotional when you asked your last query because strong emotions were channeling through your deck you might want to knock that energy off because you're calmer now.

4. Suppose somebody gave you the deck it's a complete gift whether it's first hand or secondhand you might want to clean off any energy that might be residually clinging to that deck now i know this is a little bit woo-woo but that's okay we're gonna keep going on (if it doesn't work for you if it doesn't resonate with you then just discard it there is no one single right way to do the tarot because it is an intuitive system and it is going to deliver the perfect message for you)

5. So another reason you might want to clean the deck is if it has been very very precise in the past even if you framed a good question and all of a sudden it just seems very imprecise.

Side Note: I do think you should journal when you get answers like that because sometimes the messages make more sense in the morning. Perhaps you just you don't make the connection you're amped up, when you're doing your reading you really want to have guidance and it makes no sense, well then wait on it a day see what you get. If it still doesn't make sense and you do another reading preferably not asking the exact same question (which I think is a bad habit to do) and you're still getting very unclear messages that don't make much sense you might want to clean your deck clean your deck of those old energies.

6. I also think if you have done a large party atmosphere (it's not necessarily that people have touched it) but there's just a lot of energy flowing around because there's been a lot of people, that's a good time to clean.

Ways You Can Clean Your Deck 

So let's talk about the different ways that you can clean a tarot card deck. I think that cleaning your deck regularly is important.

1. One of the things that you can do to clean a deck is to just reorder the cards. If the cards are a mess, reorder them. I think that's one of the the ways that you can get that energy flowing the correct direction again get rid of stagnant energy - reorder the deck.

2. Spend time specifically in meditation thinking calmly about washing away the old energy and inviting the breath of life, your breath of life, into the cards. I think that breathing on the cards breathing your breath of life with the intention to bring fresh energy into your deck is one of the quickest and easiest ways to clean your deck but it is not the only way.

3. Knock three times on the cards so that it's knocking out those stagnant negative old energies and nothing is clinging to your deck. Knocking on the cards is a good way to get them clean and clear.
