The Suit of Wands
The Suit of Wands
Wands are one of four suits in the Minor Arcana each consisting of 14 cards. Wands, like all Minor Arcana, concern everyday events and the people we meet along the way. They represent action, inspiration, determination, ambition, expansion, power, passion, vitality and energy. They are connected to Spring and represent the light conquering the darkness. As a Fire suit, they are volatile, energetic and full of potential.
They are often depicted as a branch or a staff. Wands are alternatively called Rods, Staffs, Batons, Staves, Clubs or Scepters. The Suit of Wands is associated with the alchemist element of Fire and is the first suit of the Minor Arcana because Fire is the lightest element since it always flows up.
The Suit of Wands goes from Ace (1), Two through Ten of Wands, Page, Knight, Queen and King of Wands. They are the source of universal energy, like the Sun, and symbolize human willpower, drive, creativity, and the energy that propels us forward in life.
Property | Correspondences |
Element | Fire |
Attributes | Active, Hot, Masculine, Dry |
Astrological Sign | Aries, Leo, Sagittarius |
Direction | South |
Season | Spring |
Self | Will, Action, Desire |
Jungian Function | Intuition |
The Ace of Wands refers to a new beginning that is the first step towards your goal. The card depicts a torch burning wildly with energy. This card depicts the hand of God offering you a boon. Take a bold step forward. If a new opportunity presents itself you should go for it. The Ace of Wands is a bold card helping you to use your voice, develop your vision and take action. It can be a moment of break-through.
The Two of Wands is a card of planning for the future showing a woman looking out over a vast domain. You can employ your talents in shaping your world. It corresponds to a promising future but one that’s dependent on your skills and actions. The lily represents being free from desire and the rose represents a hunger for knowledge and experience. The globe represents the desire for greatness. The orange represents vitality and the brown represents being grounded.
The Three of Wands represents the protagonist looking into the distance moving forward with plans that are good for everyone. You are on the right path. It symbolizes commerce, expansion, foresight, collaboration and waiting for the future to come to pass. It represents the actions you’ve taken in the past as you stare at ships in the distance awaiting the results of your plans. This card may also represent travel.
The Four of Wands represents a happy and joyful celebration honoring the hard work you’ve put forth. This card symbolizes long term growth and material security. The wreath is suspended on four well-planted staffs which may represent union, partnership or marriage. It may also represent a new home as represented by the warm tent in the distance. The couple is dressed in reds, whites and blues representing passion, purity and faithfulness.
The Five of Wands is a card of competition, conflict and strife. It can ask you to strengthen your skills by testing them against competitors. This card can ask you to find common ground so you can create something beautiful out of the chaos. It suggests if you can find a way to change the fiery energy from destruction to construction. This card may represent an internal struggle that you must master to move forward.
The Six of Wands represents success, victory, and triumph as a man holds a beribboned laurel high on his staff as he rides high. He is confident and welcomed by his community as a leader worthy of praise, recognition and celebrity. This card can represent a winning battle or successful campaign. The rider is not shy but proud of his accomplishments as this card represents public acclaim.
The Seven of Wands shows you’re willing to defend yourself and represents the perseverance needed to overcome challenges. It is a card about maintaining control, being strong willed, assertive, forceful, protective and relentless. This card indicates you’re a warrior spirit who isn’t afraid of speaking up, acting up and fighting for your truth.
The Eight of Wands shows javelins flying through the air accompanied by a golden eagle to represent swiftness. The beautiful clear skies show nothing stands in your way. This card shows you’ve moved past the conflict in the Seven of Wands you’re experiencing positive growth. The Eight of Wands symbolizes action, speed, excitement, freedom, positivity and energy. Your hard work is paying off so that you’re seeing results.
The Nine of Wands depicts an injured person leaning on a staff. He is clearly battle-weary but still invested in winning with steadfast determination. This card shows someone halfway through a battle who is feeling drained. He is wiser having experienced failure. This card symbolizes a battle effecting mind and body but invites your determination to see things through.
The Ten of Wands represents an untenable burden that cannot be sustained. In this card we see a mature woman carrying a heavy load of ten saplings in front of a large estate home. The card represents overextending, overwork, burden, oppression and struggle. This card indicates your duties and responsibilities are leading to overwhelm and burn out. This card can indicate an uphill battle and that the fun has left life itself. It’s important to remember you are close to the end of your struggle.
The Page of Wands represents a creative youth or young-at-heart individual who is inventive, passionate and creative. The Page of Wands is a trigger to chase your bliss and follow your dreams. Like all Pages, the Page of Wands is a messenger standing in a desert. The salamander on his head represents Fire and transformation. The Page believes in himself and the big green leaf growing from his staff symbolizes his potential and his ability to make things happen.
The Knight of Wands is a charming, rebellious, free spirited person who is ready for action, adventure and new experiences. A salamander sits on his staff as a symbol of fiery determination and his desire to be successful. This card shows a person who takes inspired action with energy, passion and enthusiasm. This is a positive sign for new ideas and underscores that your confidence and vision will grow as you move forward with your plans.
The Queen of Wands represents a person who is vivacious, fiery, courageous and confident. This person is optimistic and always in the center of happy chaos. She is a multi-tasker with a tendency to be hot tempered, forgetful due to being over-scheduled. She is generous, self-empowered and determined. The sunflowers signify her great potential for growth and success. Her black cat represents that she is lucky and that she has tamed her dark impulses and is in touch with her shadow self.
The King of Wands represents creativity, boldness, charisma and inspiration. He jumps in and chases his dreams with positive Fire energy. He uses the positive masculine energy to execute his mission as a hardworking leader who is focused, forceful, exciting and daring. The King of Wands uses spiritual energy to bring his goals to fruition with kindness, optimism and power. He leads with action, vision and honor.