Meet Nikole

I'm here to help you build your own intuition so you can have more meaningful and accurate readings that offer the precise insight needed for positive uplifting change.
I'm a published, award-winning professional artist who has been reading the tarot more than forty years. I know what an enriching practice tarot card reading can be through out life and I was especially inspired to share my art and writing with you from Quarantine 2020.
It is my genuine hope that my art can bring enlightenment, peace, harmony, and comfort to all. I have been inspired to create a warm welcoming inclusive and diverse tarot card deck and all the tarot card related content you see here to awaken the eternal in us all.
What are some things you do with a tarot card deck?
- Read for yourself or others
- Decision making readings
- Do quick one card pulls to help connect your subconscious and your conscious mind through the bridge of art and intuition
- Build positive habits more easily
- Strengthen your connection to your Higher Power
- Understand hidden energies shaping your past, present and future
- Law of Attraction manifestations
- Role Playing Games - make easy inventive character choices
- Enhance communication with your Spirit Guides
- Love and sex readings
- Money and career readings
- Answer Yes or No Questions
- Help interpret dreams and intuitions
- Spellwork or ritual to enhance your life
You don't need any special psychic gift to access deep meaningful information from this 500 year old tradition. Beginner, intermediate or expert - there is always more to learn to hone your skills and deepen your practice.
You are my beautiful companion on the journey of life.

Nikole Dominique Johnson
Leading A Team of One Plus Three 😁



