About Us
Grey Rose Games started as the seed of an idea during Quarantine 2020 and blossomed into a full grown business by 2021. Creating 79 illustrations is a huge endeavor for any artist let alone a busy professional tattooer with many art projects in the works.
Carefully researching, organizing and executing my very own original independent tarot deck is the artistic equivalent of a marathon. With well over 1000 hours of worth of drawing in the cards alone, I quickly realized this deck was going to be not only the culmination of my deep love of Tarot but also a legacy of my art that I could share with others.
The Nikole Dominique Johnson Tarot Card Deck is a fully illustrated multicultural 79 card tarot deck.
Combining the comfortingly familiar iconography of the Rider-Waite-Smith tradition with a modern twist to better serve today’s seekers, the NDJ Tarot Deck is an accessible revitalized tool made to last. Without enthusiasts actually enjoying my deck in their very own hands there is no magic, so please say yes 🙌.
I decided when I started to do premium everything. My signature cards are meant to last. They are meant, like my tattooing, to be uniquely beautiful and to enhance the life of the collector. It is with an open heart I offer you the fruit of my labors.
Nikole Dominique Johnson