Diversity Statement

Diversity Statement
As a biologically female artist in my early 50s, it was important to me to honor the many-fold diversity I see in the people of Earth. I want to support multiculturalism and reflect a safe inclusive space for our new generation's values.
In my work, I have strived to be accessible to cross-culturalism, different bodies, BIPOC, LBGTQIA, varied seasons and a wide range of time periods. I believe I have captured the lushly iconic symbolism of the historic Rider-Waite-Smith body of knowledge but I have been called to modernize it for a new generation of seekers.
I am trying to grow actively in my art, my understanding and my practice and to share my deeply personal journey with you. I want to inspire those around me while challenging myself to be open to being better tomorrow than I am today. I celebrate learning and hope to offer a place to share that synergy with you.
We are fellow seekers and there is power in speaking our truths.
If you wish to speak with me, you are most welcome to contact me.