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The Moon Meaning

The Moon Meaning

The Moon Meaning 


Connect to your intuition to your actions and watch big things unfold.

Live the Tarot:

Have you ever explored what would happen if you let your wild, untamed side drive your next date? Give it a shot.

Artist’s Notes

I chose my dog Zeus, a purebred Four-time Champion Dogo Argentino (not related to the pit bull in any way, FYI), as the domestic dog to represent the civilized mind and the timber wolf to represent the wild, untamed mind. The green crayfish represents the consciousness rising out of the waters of the subconscious mind. Twin towers rise in the background and a Moon face looks down wih a frown on her face. Traditionally, the card speaks about fear, illusion and deeply suppressed emotions. Reversed, the card is about working through your fears and overcoming the illusions culture forces on the individual.

LOVE: You may be deceiving another, deceiving yourself or being deceived.

MONEY: You may be spending like there’s no tomorrow but bills are coming regardless of what you speak.

HEALTH: Looking into the feelings you are suppressing may be best assisted by a certified mental health professional.

CAREER: Things aren’t as they seem on the surface and you shouldn’t buy into the corporate delusion.

The Moon Meaning Nikole Dominique Johnson Tarot Deck