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Judgement Meaning

Judgement Meaning

Judgement Meaning


Are you carrying pain from the past that’s in your way moving forward?

Live the Tarot:

Whatever self-judgement you have can be difficult to avoid but you must move beyond your self-criticism to find a better expression on your higher self.

Artist’s Notes

I choose a Brazilian angel representing the archangel Gabriel holding the trumpet of God. Three graves are behind the angel including one Christian, one Jewish and one atheist. The angel is touching the soul on the left with a positive judgement. One soul on the right is crying because she was judged negatively and the soul in the center has not yet been judged but is distracted by the wailing of the condemned soul.

>Traditionally, the card represents rebirth, transformation, judgement, karma and revelation. Reversed, the card represents a need to reexamine one’s life choices to check for alignment to our highest and greatest good.

LOVE: Looking inward and being honest can provide insight to your love life.

MONEY:  You may be close to paying off your debt and moving forward into a more financially unburdened future.

HEALTH: You may be in the position to make a judgement in your health that is directly tied to your ethical outlook.

CAREER: You may consider a career path which is different than those around you feel is the pro per path and you just search your heart to determine what to pursue.

Judgement Meaning Nikole Dominique Johnson Tarot Deck