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Using Tarot Cards To Get Past a Breakup

Breakups are Tough.

I get it. You're just looking to get unstuck and move on. But did you know that one of the many blessings of the tarot is that it can help you during stressful periods in your life? Now when you're in a highly charged state it can be challenging to get your emotions in check so that your reading is both accurate and actionable.


First, be kind to yourself because the loss of a relationship can be one of life's most difficult obstacles to get past. Truly, breakups touch nearly everyone at some point and also nearly everyone discovers a lesson that couldn't be learned any other way. In that way, a breakup can be seen as useful if not pleasant.


Acknowledging the suck is important. It can really be that bad but the bad is a season not a permanent condition. There is an opportunity to live a better life, a richer life being served by your new found wisdom and insight. Even if it's a matter of not wanting to do the same old problem in a new relationship, you can try again when you're ready with better tools in your tool box.

Think of the cards as that one friend that tells you what you need to hear and not what you necessarily want to hear. The truth can indeed set you free. Look at your reading as the messenger and we all know not to shoot the messenger.


Silence your inner critic. See things as they truly were and not as you wished them to be - in other words ditch the fantasy. Things weren't exactly perfect, were they? Idealizing the lost relationship will not assist you with feelings of loss.

When a million things are buzzing around your brain it's a bit like have several songs playing at once. It's hard to follow any particular song if you can't clearly hear the lyrics. The tarot can be similar - it's best to ask one single question per spread and to be very clear about that question.

If you need a relationship reading try to do it in a spot with no distractions. Calm and quiet are your friend. You want to do your best to be open and objective when you receive your message because the point is to get information that can give you new strength in tackling the obstacles in front of your way.


Take 3 deep breaths to clear your mind. Choose a card to meditate on. Pick something that embodies qualities you would like to bring in to your life. Ask yourself how you can bring that energy into your interactions with the world. Carry your card with you on your day and take it out then and now and feel the energy. Are you incorporating the card's energy to bring about your highest and best version of yourself?


Choose a relationship reading and focus on a single aspect of the breakup. You can use one your favorite spreads or pick one of ours. Make sure your question is simple and that you hold that question exclusively in your mind as you shuffle and draw your cards. Trust that you will receive pertinent and timely information that will serve you now. Believe in yourself because you are eternal and the eternal is you.




Create a simple ritual to help release your past with gratitude for all you learned. You could pick a single card to represent some aspect of the relationship such as you, your ex or the main lesson you want to incorporate moving forward. Write the name of your card on a slip of paper along with a simple phrase summing up the meaning of that card and burn it with the intention to release your past.



  • One card pull. Shuffle your cards and ask a question that you feel would serve you in this moment. For example, you could ask how you can build up your support system.
  • Three card pull. Your first card can represent you. Your second pull can represent your ex. Your third pull can represent what goal to focus on next.
  • Four card pull. The first card can represent the past of the relationship. The second card can represent a present lesson about attachment that you need to work on. The third can represent an area of blessing that is blossoming for you right now. The forth card can give you a peek into the energy that would be better served by investing elsewhere.


Hope that help!

 xoxo Nikole