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The Hierophant Meaning

The Hierophant Meaning

5 The Hierophant Meaning

The Hierophant, also known as the Pope, represents traditional, conventional culture and is pictured standing between the twin columns of law and liberty. It is a card of traditional values and can be seen as a religious figure, a mentor or an advisor. It can be a cultural ceremony like marriage or civil union. 


Have you considered whether the belief system you ascribe to is one you chose after careful, thorough examination or is it a system you adopted due to the influence of others be they social media, friends, family or culture?

Live the Tarot:

Think of an area of your special expertise that you could share with the world to uplift those seeking answers. Whether you could explain how to change a tire to your newly-driving teen or give advice to a friend who wants to make a special day for their loved one, there is something you can offer that has grown from your inner wisdom.

Artist’s Interpretation 

For my interpretation, I chose an Ethiopian Bishop in traditional Catholic garb who holds the keys to heaven in one hand with a golden Bible tucked under his arm. Twin blue columns behind him represent how both obedience and disobedience can support the weight of a culture.
The green laurel wreath represents the living nature of faith which can grow according to the needs of its practitioner. Traditionally, the Hierophant can represent tradition, cultural icons or religion with an emphasis on that which is conservative and normative. Reversed, the Hierophant can be the stifling weight of traditional expectations which inhibit the  happiness of the individual.


LOVE: A traditional relationship can blossom because of the support of the community.


MONEY: Making money moves within the framework of traditional investing can be as simple as exploiting the magic of compound interest.


HEALTH: Taking a conservative approach to your well being may be best.


CAREER: Conforming to the established corporate culture will serve you best in your current position.

The Hierophant Meaning Nikole Dominique Johnson Tarot Deck