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The Devil Meaning

The Devil Meaning

The Devil Meaning


What does your shadow heart look like?

Live the Tarot: 

In order to release your negative emotions you need to acknowledge they are there in the first place. Pick a person you’re unhappy with and journal all the ways you are displeased no matter how petty and the. Burn the journal page to release your blocks.

Artist’s Notes

I chose the hermaphrodite Baphomet as my Devil sitting on a globe which has loosely chained a Greek couple around the neck bound to the globe. Baphomet is the union of male/female, good/evil, and animal/human.  The humans could easily remove their chains but don’t and instead surrender the agency of their autonomy.

Traditionally, the card depicts Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and it represents the allure of the material World over the spiritual as a form of voluntary addiction that keeps you from living to your highest potential. Reversed, this card represents letting go of the things that are holding you back so you can evolve into a better version of yourself.


LOVE: Your relationship may be powerfully sexual but also unhealthily co-dependent.


MONEY: Money is keeping you in an unhealthy situation because you believe it’s easier than moving on.


HEALTH: You may have a sex addition or an unhealthy attachment to some detrimental pleasure.


CAREER: You may be focused exclusively on the high status of a job and ignoring it’s draining your soul.


The Devil Meaning Nikole Dominique Johnson Tarot Deck