Six of Swords Meaning
Six of Swords Meaning
What bright beginnings are worth leaving your old life behind?
Live the Tarot:
If you find yourself in need of a serious change, why not try to send some resumes to jobs in a brand new city?
Artist’s Notes:
I chose a mother and son being ferried away from her old life to a new dawn. They carry no belongings. In the distance three dragons are flying into the morning clouds. Traditionally, this card represents escape, travel, overcoming hardship, progress and healing. Reversed, this card represents feeling stuck, a lack of progress, having troubles or returning from travel.
LOVE: This can indicate escape from a bad relationship or a calmer period after a hardship.
CAREER: Your job may be calming down after a turbulent time.
MONEY: You may find a small windfall on its way or a period of better economic outlook.
HEALTH: You may enter a period of recovery after acute injury or illness but take things slow and allow for proper rest.